Sound familiar? Maybe like the Belgian Congo Schoolbooks we read?
And, in news which should remind you of Aung Sun Suu Kyi (the woman detained in Myanmar for -- can you believe it? -- having the audacity of winning the popular vote in a presidential election), the government in Zimbabwe has detained members of the opposition party. They detained the opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, several times yesterday before releasing him. The second in command has been arrested and no one but his jailers knows where he is. And, according to Tsvangirai's spokesman, over 66 members of the opposition party have been killed by the government.
This morning, the SuperBadGuy in charge of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, has said that he is doing all he can to keep the veterans of the war for independence from attacking the opposition. He said they're poised to attack. Somehow, that doesn't sound all that nice. To me, it sounds more like a call to arms. But, maybe I'm wrong. I hope I am.
Ooh - and in Egypt, leaders have blocked a 92 year-old man from getting married. Turns out, his bride to be was 17. Ew. Score one for the Egyptian government. They put in place a law which states that there can be no more than 25 years age difference between the bride and groom. This is an attempt to stop old men from taking brides from desperately poor families. Again, good news from Egypt.
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