There's too much to say about the Olympics. WAY too much. So... here's a brief review...
1. Michael Phelps for President.
2. China has an approved list of cheers for spectators. Try to imagine what might happen if the US government tried to impose an approved list of cheers on Jets fans. (Having been a season ticket holder, I can speak from proud, grueling, foul-mouthed experience.) It wouldn't be pretty.
3. Iceland may win a gold medal in Handball. They've never won a gold medal before. Eric Weiner's book The Geography of Bliss argues that part of the reason why Icelanders are so happy is because everyone is mediocre. You can try anything and not have to worry about being bad at it. While Americans have to be the best(!), Icelanders can simply be. I wonder if this gold medal will mess that all up by raising the bar for them and making all the mediocre people feel bad.
4. Oh, I forgot, Michael Phelps isn't old enough. Dara Torres for President.
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